The organizing committee of VI Seminário de Estudos Medievais na Paraíba – Tradução e decolinialidade: Christine de Pizan no Brasil e do V Encontro Nacional de Cultura e Tradução – (Re)Traduções. Políticas, (de-)construções e dilemas is glad to invite participants of the event, which was held in November 3-5, 2021, to submit unpublished texts, presented in lectures and roundtables, for publication of an e-book. The publication is due to 2022, by one of the university’s publishing house (see

The e-book will be divided into four sessions: Critical translation studies; Cultural translation and transculturalism; Translations of medieval texts; Studies on Christine de Pizan in Brazil; Medieval studies: multiple perspectives.

The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2022, but we would like to hear from you if you are interested in submitting. Send us an e-mail (, by December 30, to let us know if you are interested in submitting.




The submissions should follow these editing guidelines:

1- The chapters may be written in Portuguese, English, Italian, Spanish or French.

2- Chapter title must be written with only the first letter capitalized, centralized, in bold, with Time New Roman, size 16.

3- Name(s) of the author(s) must be placed one line below the title (just press ENTER twice), aligned to the right, font 12, in italics, only the initials in capital letters. In footer, include the title of the author(s), Time New Roman, size 10, (eg: PhD, Master, doctoral student, master’s student…); institution of affiliation (do not use only acronyms. Write the full name of the institution. Example: Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB); and Email(s).

4- The text must begin two lines below the author(s) name(s), in 1.5 spacing. Paragraphs should be justified with a 1.25 cm indentation in the first line.

5- Sections titles should appear on the left, without indentation, size 14, in bold, and with only the first letter capitalized.

6- Section subtitles should also appear on the left, without indentation. There must be a space of one line between sections. Size 12, not bold size 12, in lowercase (only the first letter capitalized).

7- Quotations with up to three (3) lines, must be in one of the following models: (i) According to Silva (2016, p. 27), “[…]”; or (ii) “[…]” (SILVA, 2016, p. 27). The text must be in quotation marks and not highlighted with italics or bold. When the quotation has more than 3 lines, it must appear with an indentation of 4 cm, without quotation marks, to the left, in size 11 (eleven), with simple spacing and reference in capital letters (SILVA, 2016, p. 27).

8- Tables, illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc.) and appendices must be ready to be printed, within the general pattern of the text and in the space designated for them by the author(s). Previously published material must include source with complete bibliographical reference.

9- Notes must be placed at the end of the page: size 10, numbered according to the order in which they appear; titles of books and periodicals and others must be highlighted in italics.

10- Annexes, if any, must be placed after the references, preceded by the word ANNEX, without indentation and without numbering.

11- References must be in alphabetical order and follow the Brazilian (ABNT) norms.

Luciana Calado Deplagne

Roberto Carlos de Assis